I made a typo on my Facebook. Its only 52540 not 53. whoops. I am not changing it because that will make me sad.
Moral of the story: I am done my Nano Novel. Problem with this is that its early. That sounds like it could be a good thing but I am a bit competitive, but only against myself and last year me kicked this year me's ass.
Last year me made it to 50k on day 14, this year it took me until the 18th. also last year me didn't stop there, but continued on until the novel was 93k words. There is not 93k for this years book so that's not really the end of the world. The main thing that I am sad about is that my average words per day chart is going to become merely average. But I am done, so there's nothing more to add.
Good thing about this: I have extra time for the various other crafts/editing I had planned. Because I am an idiot apparently and think that christmas time isn't busy enough without having 200 different projects on the go. Hopefully people like home-made things because that's what several of you are getting! Well some.. I found some cool pre-made things that you will receive.
However, the biggest and most awesome joy about being done Nano: I can focus more on CHRISTMAS!
If you couldn't tell, I am a big ol'Christmas enthusiast. not because I am religious, because I really am not, but I think it is because I like a good game. The most challenging game ever is: What do you get ____? In which you have to figure out what you are going to buy all the important people in your life that they don't already have, someone else hasn't bought them, and actually want.
It is nearly impossible for so many people, but the moment you find the right gift its a moment of pure happiness, followed by several weeks/days (depending on when you get it) of panicking they wont like it.
See, where a lot of people whine about the commercialization of Christmas, I thrive on it. If there is one thing that I am sometimes sort-of good at, it's getting good gifts. I am not good at expressing feelings or understanding dramatic situations, but if you are in the market for a Monty Python gag gift, or an Xmen homemade sweater, I am your gal.
The best thing about finding the perfect gift is that it doesn't matter AT ALL how much it costs. The best gifts come from inside jokes. Take the book me and Crystal wrote for Sandy two years ago. It was a short and weird book that literally came to be because I made a weird noise while holding a horse statue. We left the store without it and then that night it all clicked. I needed to write a story about that ridiculous horse, name him Fierce and then have him encounter all kinds of weird situations. I then went, bought the horse, and informed Crystal that she was helping me whether or not she wanted to (Obviously she did because who doesn't want to write a story about a Fierce horse?) and then in several 2am writing sessions, Fierce was born. The weirdest book you will NEVER read (unless you are one of the 4 cousins, then you better memorize it because it's just going to be a part of our lives forever).
(This post is weirdly long but I owe you 19 days worth so I am going to keep typing.)
So Crystal and I wrapped up the book underneath the giant horse statue, and stared at Sandy probably with the most creepy and excited faces ever, and she pretended o think the horse was genuinely awesome. As if the thing her cousin and sister were so excited about was an angry horse. She probably does actually like it because it's a horse and its Sandy, but that was just the side gift. As she was holding it and all "Ooo this is nice-ing" we were like... Not done sandy, open the rest. Then I think I heard a sigh of relief and she found the smaller package in the box. (Side note, wrapping that horse was damn near impossible. To find a box big enough involved much effort)
She opened the little paper back and it took her a minute of looking between the book and the Giant horse (as I had taken a picture and made it look all fancy for the cover) and then finally reading the "by Tanya and Crystal" line she simply said "You wrote me a book?" and then laugh/cried. And then I almost cried. But that would be dangerous because my circuit board would need to get replaced and the Christmas rates are ridiculous.
There is nothing like making someone cry... of joy. Not sadness that's just mean. But seeing someone so happy their eyes start leaking is just a super great feeling. I am glad Sandy has the ever-important gene from our family in which laughter at too high of intensity results in tears almost immediately.
So, this is a long-ass post that pretty much sums up to: I like to make people cry. That can't be it? I like Christmas? Yes.. that's probably less offensive (sort of)
Welcome back Tanya... you are stranger then ever.
My captions aren't working for this picture so: This is the actual cover to the book you will never read. It is a picture of the very big and extremely menacing statue of Fierce.
Best. Present. Ever. :D